Ginger Egg Holder
This little Ginger (naked body) will hold your cream
egg, a tube of sweets, ear buds etc. or make several of them and clip them
together to make a banner. He can be made boy or girl with the stitching
of eyelashes or omitting them. The body is the same as the standard arms
out gingers so you can mix and match the clothes from them with this ginger
either in your software or by combining on your machine if it has that
capability. The machine manual will explain how to edit and combine designs
together to achieve this – The Nurse in the photo shows you what he can look
like – the uniform is not included with this design
This design needs the 5 x 7 hoop
Instructions included
The zip will contain files of the following formats: DST,
PLEASE NOTE: You are purchasing an electronically
distributed digital design file that you will need to download– This is not a
sewing pattern or finished item so no actual product will be sent. You will
need a personal computer or some way to be able to unzip the files, and have a
computerised embroidery machine